1997 Dodge Ram

Specs, Photos, and More!

2004 Ford Mustang

Specs, Photos, and More!


Proxmox, Xpenology, and More!

iPhone Archive

iOS Programs, Games, and More!

Android Archive

Android Applications and More!

File Archive

Programs, Utilities, and More!

BlackBerry Archive

BlackBerry Programs and More!

PocketPC Archive

PocketPC Programs, Games, and More!

PalmOS Archive

PalmOS Apps, Games, and More!

ATT Resources

Wallpapers and More!

T-Mobile Resources

Wallpapers and More!

Flash Games

Classic Online Flash Games!



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Recent Posts

January 13, 2025

Migration and HTTPS

Migrated most of my HomeLab into a dedicated server, switched from RAID1 on a dedicated RAID controller to RAIDZ2 on Xpenology with an HBA controller and 4x 18TB drives. Also won a long battle with HTTPS and SSL!

Currently working on relocating the website, cleaning up the HTML files, hyperlinks, and more! I would like to begin keeping this website updated more often and adding new pages as well.

December 30, 2021

Cummins Page Updated

Updated the Cummins page including specifications and maintenance

November 8, 2018

Added PocketPC Archive

I decided in my effort of preserving PalmOS and Android applications that it would be smart to also archive PocketPC programs as well! These archives will continue to grow over time so check back for more!

October 23, 2018

Online Flash Games

I've started building a page for online flash games! Check back occationally to see if I've added any new games!

October 23, 2018

HTC Music Added to APKs

I've added HTC Music to the APK section! This has a lot of super fun visualizations and is a direct pull from the HTC One M9's music player. It should work on any Nougat or Oreo Android device!

August 24, 2018

Lots Of New Content!

I've been adding a lot of new files to my different pages, including the Archive, Android APKs, PalmOS, and T-Mobile! I've also fixed a lot of smaller typos and bugs, but there will always be more to fix when you're building a website with Notepad++!

August 23, 2018

Refresh In Progress

I've streamlined my entire website, to make the experience consistent with the home page. I also have the ability to update my website via my phone, which should make the process easier for quicker updates and newer features. I plan to add a game section, specifically for old games and flash games, one in an archive format the other in a game center style. That will be done via PC, for quality control.

August 22, 2018

Refresh Planned

I've updated my web hosting choice, and have changed from Byethost to 1and1 hosting which gives me 100GB of storage space and unlimited bandwidth without file size limitations. This will help me host different projects on my website, and I may many more things planned for this fall hopefully. I've been busy with work at T-Mobile for almost a year now so I've been neglecting my website! Time for a change!

I have been working hard today to get this website somewhat functional, so far I have the Mustang page all set up and I'm working on the Clash Royale and File Archive pages today and tomorrow.

April 10, 2017

URL Change

The URL for this website used to be wireproof.byethost.com but has since been changed to wireproof.net and has been successfully linked to my personal domain address!